
Showing posts from May, 2007

Fouere says Broadcasting Council undergoes political pressure

The Broadcasting Council of Macedonia faces political pressures, EU Ambassador Erwan Fouere said on Wednesday. The Council undergoes problems of political nature, however, it pledges to maintain independence and cope with such tendencies arising from the lack of institutional dialogue, Ambassador Fouere said during his visit to the Broadcasting Council. Broadcasting Council quotes Ambassador Fouere as saying that during the upcoming meeting of the Stabilization and Association Committee in Brussels, he would personally pledge for preservation and strengthening of the independence of the Broadcasting Council as a regulatory broadcasting authority
EUROPE DAY 2007 Date Time Place Event Participants Partner organisation 26 April Thursday 12:00 – 13:00 Holiday Inn Skopje Press Conference on the Europe Day celebration activities Ambassador Erwan Fouéré European Movement, JEF, EBA, Youth for Youth 29 April Sunday 11:00 – 11:30 Sport Hall ”Rasadnik” Opening of the Karate Tournament Patrick Paquet, First Secretary (EU Mission), Children Karate Associations Karate Association 1 May Tuesday 10:00 – 11:00 Berovo Lecture: "The History of EU" Ambassador Erwan Fouéré, JEF members + other NGOs Young European Federalists (JEF) 2 May Wednesday 12:00 – 14:00 Veles Panel Discussion: "European standards for protection of environment: challenges or end to the agony of Veles" Ambassador Erwan Fouéré, SEA representative, local authorities, NGOs, general public European Movement 10:00 – 11:00 Skopje Official Opening of XIII European Students' Symposium on Environment EuroEnviro 2007 Ambassador Erwan Fouéré, local authorities, s...

2007 Europe Day celebration

On 9 May 1950 in Paris, the French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman read to the international press a declaration calling France, Germany and other European countries to pool together their coal and steel production as "the first concrete foundation of a European federation". The declaration, issued against the background of the threat of a Third World War engulfing the whole of Europe, is considered to be the first move towards the creation of what is now known as the European Union. Mr Schuman proposed the creation of a supranational European Institution, the High Authority, to look after the management of the coal and steel industry, the very sector which was, at that time, the basis of all military power. The countries which he called upon had almost destroyed each other in a dreadful conflict which had left after it a sense of material and moral desolation. During the Milan Summit in 1985, the EU leaders decided to celebrate 9 May as "Europe Day".


On May 6th 2007, the French will elect their new Président de la République replacing the Monsieur Jacques Chirac ruling the country for 12 years and paving the way for new and fresh flow of ideas in French and EU foreign affairs. The primary reason for the EU’s and candidate countries high tempered interest in French election is that its outcome will determine the future of the Union itself. Macedonia, as a candidate country sees its own interest in the French presidential election through the lenses of the enlargement process and the process of institutional reform without which it seems that the enlargement can not continue. Many EU representatives including the enlargement commissioner Mr. Olli Rehn repeat the guaranties given that all Western Balkan countries have a future in the EU. Even so, these statements were given with prudence: that the speed of enlargement must take in account the EU’s “absorption capacity”, later renamed into “integration capacity”1. Following elections ...