East East Programme: Partnership Beyond Borders

Application deadline: at least three months before a project is due to begin
The East East Program: Partnership Beyond Borders is one of the initiatives implemented by the Open Society Foundation in London (a registered UK charity). The program supports international exchanges that bring together civil society actors to share ideas, information, knowledge, experiences, and expertise and to support practical actions that result from that networking.
The programme provides financial and human resources that enable civil society actors to build and/or strengthen resources and expertise, share best practices/lessons learned in social transformation, collaborate on innovative solutions to common challenges, create and/or strengthen international advocacy coalitions.
The program gives priority to long-term initiatives with clear goals and realistic potential for effecting positive change, for example, by empowering marginalized and/or vulnerable sectors of society, promoting cultural, ethnic, and social diversity; managing the impact of social, economic, and political change; making information accessible and available to the public; encouraging public engagement and empowerment in civic dialogue.
In 2005 the East East Program: Partnership Beyond Borders launched a Subprogram for European Integration. This subprogram will prioritize cooperation among new EU member states, candidate and potential candidate countries, and the EU eastern neighbours. The subprogram is open to Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, and Ukraine.
Application InformationThe East East Program: Partnership Beyond Borders is implemented by the Soros foundations. Applications are received and reviewed by these foundations. For more information, please contact the appropriate East East Program coordinator in the Soros foundation in your country.
Fore more information please click here or contact Geszti Judit, Program coordinator, at geszti@soros.hu.


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