YOUTH programme - calls for proposals
01.02.2006 (up to 01.11.2006. Deadlines vary according to Action and National Agency.)
Budget line / available budget
15.05.01 / 108.445.000 EUR
Objectives and supported actions in the field of ENARґs work
The YOUTH programme is the EU’s mobility and non-formal education programme targeting young people aged between 15 and 25 years. It offers young people opportunities for mobility and active participation in the construction of Europe. It aims to create a European arena for cooperation in the development of youth policy, based on non-formal education. It also encourages the concept of lifelong learning and the development of skills and competencies which promote active citizenship.
The Programme pursues the following objectives:
Facilitating the integration of young people into society at large and encouraging their spirit of initiative.
Helping young people acquire knowledge, skills and competencies, and recognising the value of such experience.
Allowing young people to give free expression to their sense of solidarity in Europe and the wider world, as well as supporting the fight against racism and xenophobia.
Promoting a better understanding of the diversity of our common European culture and shared heritage as well as of our common basic values.
Helping to eliminate all forms of discrimination and promoting equality at all levels of society.
Introducing a European element into projects which will have a positive impact on youth work at local level.
A key priority is to give young people with less opportunities (from a less-privileged cultural, geographical or socio-economic background, or with disabilities) access to the mobility and non-formal education activities developed within the YOUTH programme (please ask your National Agency for the Strategy for the inclusion of young people with less opportunities into YOUTH).
The European Commission and National Agencies draw up specific priorities each year. We will provide you with more details on the priorities for 2006 as soon as they will have been published. Moreover, individual Programme countries may identify national priorities, too. Please contact your National Agency or the European Commission for further detailed information.
The overall structure of the YOUTH programme promotes crossovers between, and integration of, different Actions:
Action 1 - Youth for Europe:
Youth Exchanges and Youth Encounters offer an opportunity for groups of young people from different countries to meet.
Action 2 - European Voluntary Service (EVS):
Young people aged between 18 and 25 are able to spend up to 12 months abroad as European volunteers helping in local projects in a wide range of fields.
Action 3 - Youth Initiatives:
Through this Action, young people aged between 15/18 and 25 can obtain support to carry out a project at local level. It also aims at providing former EVS volunteers with a concrete opportunity to build upon the expertise and skills acquired during their voluntary service.
Action 4 - Joint Actions:
This Action brings together the SOCRATES (education), LEONARDO DA VINCI (vocational training) and YOUTH (non-formal education) programmes. It provides support for initiatives that build on the complementary nature of these three programmes and others, such as Culture 2000.
Action 5 - Support Measures:
This Action contributes to foster capacity building and innovation and provides a platform to create and strengthen partnerships between youth organisations and to exchange good practice. It also assists in the planning, preparation and use of projects carried out within the framework of the YOUTH Actions 1, 2, 3 and 5 by supporting training, cooperation and information activities.
The YOUTH programme primarily addresses young people aged between 15 and 25 who are legally resident in one of 31 European Programme countries: the 25 EU Member States, the EFTA/EEA countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway) and the pre-accession countries Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey. To a limited extent and under certain conditions, the Actions 1, 2 and 5 of the YOUTH programme are also open to partner organisations from countries in other parts of the world, i.e. "Partner Countries" (Mediterranean Partner Countries, Eastern Europe and Caucasus, South East Europe and Latin America).
The following groups can participate in the Programme:
groups of young people who want to organise a youth exchange or
launch an initiative in their local community
young people who would like to get involved in European
Voluntary Service
ex-volunteers who are looking to build upon their experience
youth organisations
youth leaders
youth workers
project managers or organisers in the field of youth and non-formal education
other non-profit-making organisations, associations or structures.
The applicant may be a group of young people, a non-profit-making non-governmental organisation or association, public authority and others experienced in the field of youth and non-formal education.
European non-governmental youth organisations (ENGYOs), which are based in one of the Programme countries and have member branches in at least eight Programme countries can also participate. They may apply directly to the European Commission or through their national branches to its National Agency.
In order to participate in most types of project co-financed by the YOUTH programme, a partnership must be established with one or more partner(s), depending on the rules prevailing for each Action and varying according to which country the partner(s) come(s) from.
Legal basis
Decision No 1031/2000/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 April 2000.
Community contribution
The Community contribution varies according to the Action of the YOUTH programme and National Agency. Please see also the flat rates and fixed amounts applicable per country for Actions 1, 2, 3 and 5 at ... (for 2005 only).
The YOUTH programme is implemented by
The European Commission:
The European Commission is ultimately responsible for its running. It manages the budget and sets priorities, targets and criteria for the Programme on an ongoing basis.
Directorate-General for Education and Culture (DG EAC) Youth UnitRue Van Maerlant 2B – 1049 Brussels
+32 2 299 11 11
+32 2 299 40 38
The YOUTH programme National Agencies:
Their primary role is to promote and implement the Programme at national level.
Please find your National Agencies at ...
The Euro-Med National Coordinators:
For the Mediterranean partners participating in the YOUTH programme via the Euro-Mediterranean Youth Action Programme, the Euro-Med National Coordinators fulfil a similar role to the National Agencies in Programme countries.
Please find them at ...
Budget line / available budget
15.05.01 / 108.445.000 EUR
Objectives and supported actions in the field of ENARґs work
The YOUTH programme is the EU’s mobility and non-formal education programme targeting young people aged between 15 and 25 years. It offers young people opportunities for mobility and active participation in the construction of Europe. It aims to create a European arena for cooperation in the development of youth policy, based on non-formal education. It also encourages the concept of lifelong learning and the development of skills and competencies which promote active citizenship.
The Programme pursues the following objectives:
Facilitating the integration of young people into society at large and encouraging their spirit of initiative.
Helping young people acquire knowledge, skills and competencies, and recognising the value of such experience.
Allowing young people to give free expression to their sense of solidarity in Europe and the wider world, as well as supporting the fight against racism and xenophobia.
Promoting a better understanding of the diversity of our common European culture and shared heritage as well as of our common basic values.
Helping to eliminate all forms of discrimination and promoting equality at all levels of society.
Introducing a European element into projects which will have a positive impact on youth work at local level.
A key priority is to give young people with less opportunities (from a less-privileged cultural, geographical or socio-economic background, or with disabilities) access to the mobility and non-formal education activities developed within the YOUTH programme (please ask your National Agency for the Strategy for the inclusion of young people with less opportunities into YOUTH).
The European Commission and National Agencies draw up specific priorities each year. We will provide you with more details on the priorities for 2006 as soon as they will have been published. Moreover, individual Programme countries may identify national priorities, too. Please contact your National Agency or the European Commission for further detailed information.
The overall structure of the YOUTH programme promotes crossovers between, and integration of, different Actions:
Action 1 - Youth for Europe:
Youth Exchanges and Youth Encounters offer an opportunity for groups of young people from different countries to meet.
Action 2 - European Voluntary Service (EVS):
Young people aged between 18 and 25 are able to spend up to 12 months abroad as European volunteers helping in local projects in a wide range of fields.
Action 3 - Youth Initiatives:
Through this Action, young people aged between 15/18 and 25 can obtain support to carry out a project at local level. It also aims at providing former EVS volunteers with a concrete opportunity to build upon the expertise and skills acquired during their voluntary service.
Action 4 - Joint Actions:
This Action brings together the SOCRATES (education), LEONARDO DA VINCI (vocational training) and YOUTH (non-formal education) programmes. It provides support for initiatives that build on the complementary nature of these three programmes and others, such as Culture 2000.
Action 5 - Support Measures:
This Action contributes to foster capacity building and innovation and provides a platform to create and strengthen partnerships between youth organisations and to exchange good practice. It also assists in the planning, preparation and use of projects carried out within the framework of the YOUTH Actions 1, 2, 3 and 5 by supporting training, cooperation and information activities.
The YOUTH programme primarily addresses young people aged between 15 and 25 who are legally resident in one of 31 European Programme countries: the 25 EU Member States, the EFTA/EEA countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway) and the pre-accession countries Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey. To a limited extent and under certain conditions, the Actions 1, 2 and 5 of the YOUTH programme are also open to partner organisations from countries in other parts of the world, i.e. "Partner Countries" (Mediterranean Partner Countries, Eastern Europe and Caucasus, South East Europe and Latin America).
The following groups can participate in the Programme:
groups of young people who want to organise a youth exchange or
launch an initiative in their local community
young people who would like to get involved in European
Voluntary Service
ex-volunteers who are looking to build upon their experience
youth organisations
youth leaders
youth workers
project managers or organisers in the field of youth and non-formal education
other non-profit-making organisations, associations or structures.
The applicant may be a group of young people, a non-profit-making non-governmental organisation or association, public authority and others experienced in the field of youth and non-formal education.
European non-governmental youth organisations (ENGYOs), which are based in one of the Programme countries and have member branches in at least eight Programme countries can also participate. They may apply directly to the European Commission or through their national branches to its National Agency.
In order to participate in most types of project co-financed by the YOUTH programme, a partnership must be established with one or more partner(s), depending on the rules prevailing for each Action and varying according to which country the partner(s) come(s) from.
Legal basis
Decision No 1031/2000/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 April 2000.
Community contribution
The Community contribution varies according to the Action of the YOUTH programme and National Agency. Please see also the flat rates and fixed amounts applicable per country for Actions 1, 2, 3 and 5 at ... (for 2005 only).
The YOUTH programme is implemented by
The European Commission:
The European Commission is ultimately responsible for its running. It manages the budget and sets priorities, targets and criteria for the Programme on an ongoing basis.
Directorate-General for Education and Culture (DG EAC) Youth UnitRue Van Maerlant 2B – 1049 Brussels
+32 2 299 11 11
+32 2 299 40 38
The YOUTH programme National Agencies:
Their primary role is to promote and implement the Programme at national level.
Please find your National Agencies at ...
The Euro-Med National Coordinators:
For the Mediterranean partners participating in the YOUTH programme via the Euro-Mediterranean Youth Action Programme, the Euro-Med National Coordinators fulfil a similar role to the National Agencies in Programme countries.
Please find them at ...