
Showing posts from January, 2006

Call for proposals - European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR): Campaign 4 - Advancing equality tolerance and peace

Deadline 09.03.2006 Budget line / available budget 19.04.03 / euro 6.5 million Objectives and supported actions in the field of ENARґs work The main aim of the European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) is to promote human rights, democracy and conflict prevention in third countries by providing financial support for activities supporting these areas.This call for proposals focuses on projects to implement Campaign 4 of the EIDHR, entitled “Advancing equality, tolerance and peace” which is divided into 2 separate Lots: Lot 1: Combating racism and xenophobia and promoting the rights of peoples belonging to minoritiesThe campaign will encourage the adoption of anti-discrimination legislation and policies at national level and the removal of discrimination in access to employment, education and other rights. It will promote fair and non-discriminatory representation and participation of minorities and caste-affected groups at all levels of decision-making. The campaign wi...