Call for proposals - European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR): Campaign 4 - Advancing equality tolerance and peace
Budget line / available budget
19.04.03 / euro 6.5 million
Objectives and supported actions in the field of ENARґs work
The main aim of the European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) is to promote human rights, democracy and conflict prevention in third countries by providing financial support for activities supporting these areas.This call for proposals focuses on projects to implement Campaign 4 of the EIDHR, entitled “Advancing equality, tolerance and peace” which is divided into 2 separate Lots:
Lot 1: Combating racism and xenophobia and promoting the rights of peoples belonging to minoritiesThe campaign will encourage the adoption of anti-discrimination legislation and policies at national level and the removal of discrimination in access to employment, education and other rights. It will promote fair and non-discriminatory representation and participation of minorities and caste-affected groups at all levels of decision-making. The campaign will also develop the capacity of anti-discrimination bodies and support projects to promote intercultural and interethnic understanding, including by encouraging the development of community groups and positive media engagement.
Lot 2: Promoting the rights of indigenous peoplesThis Lot will focus upon the following priorities: Raising public awareness of the situation and living conditions of indigenous peoples, and promoting knowledge and understanding of their rights, in particular the right to live on their own land and to own property. Projects of capacity building will be encouraged, including enhancing information flows, providing specialised workshops and supporting network building of indigenous peoples’ organisations at national and regional level. Support will also be provided for the preparation and activities of indigenous peoples’ representatives participating in relevant international forums and also for cooperation with international organisations.For both Lots, particular attention should be paid to ensure that gender equality and the rights of children are reflected in all activities. Moreover, preference will be given to proposals that include aspects to promote the objectives of conflict prevention and conflict resolution and that promote cross-cultural and inter-religious understanding. The actions can be implemented on either regional, country or global level. Regional and global projects should seek to have a regional or global impact and be more than a series of small country projects combined.
Applicants may act individually or with partner organisations. The European Commission draws the attention of the applicants to the fact that for this call for proposals partnerships between organisations for the implementation of projects are encouraged. In order to be eligible for a grant, applicants must:
be legal persons and
be non profit making and
be non governmental organisations or higher education institutions and
be nationals of a Member State of the European Economic Area (EEA) or
For country projects: be nationals of a country eligible under this call for a project at country. In Europe, the following countries are eligible: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) and Turkey.
For regional projects: be nationals of any focus country of the region in which the action will take place. It must include at least three of the countries of the same region, which are: Western Balkan & Candidate Countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYROM, Turkey, Albania, Serbia and Montenegro and Croatia. The latter can not be an applicant); Asia; Sub-Saharan Africa; Latin-America & Caribbean. For detailed information please see the guidelines.
For global projects: be nationals of any country, except Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland and the USA.
Legal basis
Council Regulations EC No. 975/1999 and EC No. 976/1999 of 29th April 1999 – Official Journal L 120 of 8th May, 1999.
Community contribution
Minimum amount of grant:
- 300.000 for applicants that are nationals of a Member State of the European Economic Area (EEA).
- 150.000 for applicants that are nationals of a developing country eligible under this call for country and regional level projects.
A grant may not be for less than 50 % of the total eligible costs of the action.
Maximum amount of grant:
- 1.000.000 for all applicants.
No grant may exceed 80% of the total eligible costs of the action.The grant may cover the entire costs of the action if this is essential to carry it out.
A minimum amount representing 20% of the total available budget will be available exclusively for applications between Ђ150.000 and 300.000 submitted by organisations having their headquarters in a country where country level projects are foreseen in this call for proposals. For lot 2, they must be indigenous organisations.
Publication reference
The Concept Notes must be sent to:European Commission Xavier de ConinckEuropeAid Co-operation Office, Unit 04Office L-41 3/621049 Brussels, BelgiumAddress for hand delivery or by private courier service:European Commission Xavier de ConinckEuropeAid Co-operation Office, Unit 04Office L-41 03/62Central Courrier ServiceRue de Genиve, 1-2-3 1140 Brussels, Belgium Questions may be sent by e-mail
General remarks
A proposal may not address priorities from more than one Lot.
The initial planned duration of an action may not be lower than 12 months nor exceed 36 months.
Please note that the procedure of project selection has changed. You will only be requested to submit a full application form if your concept note is selected. Your full application will then undergo evaluation.
Applicants must apply in English, French or Spanish.
The guidelines can be downloaded ... (in English) ... (in French)the application form (concept note) ... (in English) ... (in French)
You will find the published call at following the instructions:
On the left-hand side, please select OTHER, status (open), type (grants), region/country (all).
Then send your request.
Please scroll down on the right-hand side to the requested call.
Budget line / available budget
19.04.03 / euro 6.5 million
Objectives and supported actions in the field of ENARґs work
The main aim of the European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) is to promote human rights, democracy and conflict prevention in third countries by providing financial support for activities supporting these areas.This call for proposals focuses on projects to implement Campaign 4 of the EIDHR, entitled “Advancing equality, tolerance and peace” which is divided into 2 separate Lots:
Lot 1: Combating racism and xenophobia and promoting the rights of peoples belonging to minoritiesThe campaign will encourage the adoption of anti-discrimination legislation and policies at national level and the removal of discrimination in access to employment, education and other rights. It will promote fair and non-discriminatory representation and participation of minorities and caste-affected groups at all levels of decision-making. The campaign will also develop the capacity of anti-discrimination bodies and support projects to promote intercultural and interethnic understanding, including by encouraging the development of community groups and positive media engagement.
Lot 2: Promoting the rights of indigenous peoplesThis Lot will focus upon the following priorities: Raising public awareness of the situation and living conditions of indigenous peoples, and promoting knowledge and understanding of their rights, in particular the right to live on their own land and to own property. Projects of capacity building will be encouraged, including enhancing information flows, providing specialised workshops and supporting network building of indigenous peoples’ organisations at national and regional level. Support will also be provided for the preparation and activities of indigenous peoples’ representatives participating in relevant international forums and also for cooperation with international organisations.For both Lots, particular attention should be paid to ensure that gender equality and the rights of children are reflected in all activities. Moreover, preference will be given to proposals that include aspects to promote the objectives of conflict prevention and conflict resolution and that promote cross-cultural and inter-religious understanding. The actions can be implemented on either regional, country or global level. Regional and global projects should seek to have a regional or global impact and be more than a series of small country projects combined.
Applicants may act individually or with partner organisations. The European Commission draws the attention of the applicants to the fact that for this call for proposals partnerships between organisations for the implementation of projects are encouraged. In order to be eligible for a grant, applicants must:
be legal persons and
be non profit making and
be non governmental organisations or higher education institutions and
be nationals of a Member State of the European Economic Area (EEA) or
For country projects: be nationals of a country eligible under this call for a project at country. In Europe, the following countries are eligible: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) and Turkey.
For regional projects: be nationals of any focus country of the region in which the action will take place. It must include at least three of the countries of the same region, which are: Western Balkan & Candidate Countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYROM, Turkey, Albania, Serbia and Montenegro and Croatia. The latter can not be an applicant); Asia; Sub-Saharan Africa; Latin-America & Caribbean. For detailed information please see the guidelines.
For global projects: be nationals of any country, except Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland and the USA.
Legal basis
Council Regulations EC No. 975/1999 and EC No. 976/1999 of 29th April 1999 – Official Journal L 120 of 8th May, 1999.
Community contribution
Minimum amount of grant:
- 300.000 for applicants that are nationals of a Member State of the European Economic Area (EEA).
- 150.000 for applicants that are nationals of a developing country eligible under this call for country and regional level projects.
A grant may not be for less than 50 % of the total eligible costs of the action.
Maximum amount of grant:
- 1.000.000 for all applicants.
No grant may exceed 80% of the total eligible costs of the action.The grant may cover the entire costs of the action if this is essential to carry it out.
A minimum amount representing 20% of the total available budget will be available exclusively for applications between Ђ150.000 and 300.000 submitted by organisations having their headquarters in a country where country level projects are foreseen in this call for proposals. For lot 2, they must be indigenous organisations.
Publication reference
The Concept Notes must be sent to:European Commission Xavier de ConinckEuropeAid Co-operation Office, Unit 04Office L-41 3/621049 Brussels, BelgiumAddress for hand delivery or by private courier service:European Commission Xavier de ConinckEuropeAid Co-operation Office, Unit 04Office L-41 03/62Central Courrier ServiceRue de Genиve, 1-2-3 1140 Brussels, Belgium Questions may be sent by e-mail
General remarks
A proposal may not address priorities from more than one Lot.
The initial planned duration of an action may not be lower than 12 months nor exceed 36 months.
Please note that the procedure of project selection has changed. You will only be requested to submit a full application form if your concept note is selected. Your full application will then undergo evaluation.
Applicants must apply in English, French or Spanish.
The guidelines can be downloaded ... (in English) ... (in French)the application form (concept note) ... (in English) ... (in French)
You will find the published call at following the instructions:
On the left-hand side, please select OTHER, status (open), type (grants), region/country (all).
Then send your request.
Please scroll down on the right-hand side to the requested call.