European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights Campaign 4 - Advancing equality, tolerance and peace

Reference: EuropeAid/122583/C/ACT/MultiStatus: Open (until 09.03.2006) (From the ‘Guidelines for grant applicants responding to the call for proposals’ )
Lot 1: Combating racism and xenophobia and promoting the rights of peoples belonging to minorities This LOT will focus upon the following priorities:Support for advocacy to realise the rights of persons facing discrimination on grounds of religious, racial, ethnic or caste background. The campaign will encourage the adoption of anti-discrimination legislation and policies at national level and the removal of discrimination in access to employment, education and other rights. It will promote fair and non-discriminatory representation and participation of minorities and caste-affected groups at all levels of decision-making. The campaign will also develop the capacity of anti-discrimination bodies and support projects to promote intercultural and interethnic understanding, including by encouraging the development of community groups and positive media engagement.Lot 2: Promoting the rights of indigenous peoplesThis LOT will focus upon the following priorities: Raising public awareness of the situation and living conditions of indigenous peoples, and promoting knowledge and understanding of their rights, in particular the right to live on their own land and to own property. Projects of capacity-building will be encouraged, including enhancing information flows, providing specialised workshops and supporting network building amongst indigenous peoples’ organisations at national and regional level. Support will also be provided for the preparation and activities of indigenous peoples’ representatives participating in relevant international fora and also for cooperation with international organisations.A proposal may not address priorities from more than one LOT.For both Lots, particular attention should be paid to ensure that gender equality and the rights of children are reflected in all activities. Moreover, preference will be given to proposals that include aspects to promote the objectives of conflict prevention and conflict resolution and that promote cross-cultural and inter-religious understanding.The Community grant applied for must fall within EUR 150,000 (minimum amount) and EUR 1,000,000 (maximum amount).No grant may exceed 80,00 % of the total eligible costs (minimum: 50%).More precise information: read the relevant document, downloadable from the EuropAid website.Information compiled by Wim Taelman, VORMEN vzw (,


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