Invitation for financing projects in the area of European Integration for the NGOs in the Republic of Macedonia

The Invitation for financing projects in the area of European Integration for the NGOs in the Republic of Macedonia is published on 06.02.2006. This is the fourth year (starting 2003) that the Secretariat for European Affairs in cooperation with GTZ (project, no. 02.3515.0-007.00) announces the Invitation for involvement of the non government sector in the process of European Integration.Proposals should be:- Oriented toward the process of European Integration and/or cover specific area of interest for Republic of Macedonia within this process;- Directed toward the strengthening of the capacities of the NGO sector in the area that is covered by the project proposal.A project will be supported with up to EUR 5.000 in counter value in denars and the possibility of co-financing is encouraged.The deadline for application is 27.02.2006 by 16.00 h., and the following link contains:The invitation for financing projects in the area of European Integration for the NGOs in the Republic of Macedonia.


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