All Different All Equal Campaign

In 1996 The Council of Europe ran this campaign against racism and discrimination. In this 10th year anniversary the emphasis is much more on cultural diversity and positive aspects - promoting Human Rights, Diversity and Participation. The partnership bewteen the European Commission and the Council of Europe is launching the campaign in June 2006 and it will run until September 2007. It will have a young people and grass roots approach. There are National Campaign Committees organising activities on a National level, with much campaign material and slogans being translated into many many languages. International educational activities will also be organised around the main themes, including seminars, training for trainings, youth fora etc.
Quality standards are being developed so that activities and education events can have the possibility to be awarded the "All Different All Equal" logo. It will also be possible for places to be awarded this (schools, workplaces, organizations, institutions etc).
Have a look at the preparation website for a calendar of events, discussion platforms, fora etc:
Contact your National Campaign Committee - find the details by clicking here.


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