Practical guide for Structural Funds interventions

Practical guide for Structural Funds interventions


Many memberstates have experience with Structural Funds operations. Yet this experience is not always in a practical way available for others nor is it transferred to other memberstates. This was the main reason to start a project to establish a practical guide. EIPA, the European institute for public administration and ERAC a specialised consultant in the Netherlands for structural funds interventions therefore took the initiative. This was made possible by the Dutch government in view of the exchange of experience to new memberstates.


The guide provides practical step-by-step guidelines about all aspects of dealing with the Structural Funds on the programme as well as the project level, including tips and ways of dealing with the different issues:
- Structures and Principles
- Plans and programming (from the first step until drafting the programme documents)
- Organisation and programme bodies (description of tasks and responsibilities)
- Financial management and control
- Project development
- Project management
- Project monitoring
- Programme monitoring and
- Evaluation
The information is based on practical experience using the official guidelines. It goes beyond the guidelines and should make management in practice more simple.

Target audience

This presentation is interesting for people from the recently accessed countries (learning from best practice as well as for people working longer with the Structural Funds ( thinking about the methods used and possible improvements). It gives an overview of all important aspects and directions for the best way of dealing with these aspects. The guidelines are based on experience gained by developing, writing, managing and monitoring European funded programmes and projects.


Luc Broos , director of ERAC will present the Guide during the session of the Open Days. He will go into detail with regard to the content , the use and the impact of the guide. A copy of the Guide is available for the participants on request.
During the presentation we expect a feedback and a lively discussion with the participants.

Luc Broos September 2005-09-08
IPM 440126


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