Preparing structural funds programmes for 2007-2013
Preparing structural funds programmes
for 2007-2013
Presentation: Felicia DARELL
Tel : 05 34 45 33 12 – Fax: 05 34 45 33 04
Prefecture of Midi-Pyrenees region - Europe department - control unit
Secretary General: Didier FRANCOIS
Control Service: Head of Unit: Claude SAINT-MICHEL
Prefecture of Midi-Pyrenees Region
SGAR, Europe Service
1, place Saint-Etienne
31038 Toulouse cedex
Introduction: Practice of structural funds in Midi-Pyrenees:
Presentation of the particularities of the region and the management of structural funds in 2000-2006 programming area
§ Managing structural funds in France
Level 1: European Commission
Level 2: Member State/National level
Level 3: Local Governement/Prefecture of Midi-Pyrénées: Mananing authority/control unit/Partnership regional and local partners
The organisation of the partnership differs according to the implementation stages:
• Objective 2 programme /managing authority: the Prefet’s responsibility
partnership with a regional authority, the regional council at different stages (from the preparation, to the management and the global grant procedure).
• INTERREG III A and B/managing authority: Regional council
French-Spanish cross-border programme: management/the Regional council of Aquitaine/role and responsibility of the Spanish authorities/the local government/the Prefet of Midi-Pyrenees, co-ordination role
Trans-national programme “SUDOE”: managing authority: Spanish authority of Cantabria partnership with the Regional council of Midi-Pyrenees for France and representatives of Portugal and United-Kingdom
Development of positive aspects and improvements to be made for the future generation
Tendency for 2007-2013 programming area: decentralisation and member states’ responsibility: an active control and audit system
1. Preparing structural funds programmes: Practice in Midi-Pyrenees
§ Positive aspects and improvements to be made for the future generation: necessity to co-ordinate structural funds policy with the framework of the state-region planning contracts
A stronger role for the regions and Partnership
shared management between the European, national, regional involving regional, urban, local and other authorities, economic and social partners and civil society, environmental organisations.
The management of programmes being financed by structural funds is the responsibility of the member state. In France, we are in the second phase of decentralisation and the new legislation has mentioned the possibility of transferring the management of structural funds to the regions to the local or regional authorities for the next generation of programmes.
Audit system (2000-2006)
EUROPEAN LEVEL : European Commission DG REGIO
NATIONAL LEVEL : CICC (commission in charge of the co-ordination of all the verifications
LOCAL LEVEL : Prefecture of Midi-Pyrenees (SGAR : general secretariat for regional affairs)
At the local level, there are divisions:
· The managing authority in charge of the Objective 2 programme
· The payment authority responsible for certifying statements of expenditure
· The independent control division : This control authority is composed of 4 civil servants with specific missions (to control operations: 5% of total eligible expenditure):
The Member’s State responsibility/example of INTERREG III A audit system
September 2004 - March 2005: strategic study group working on the national strategic reference framework (national level: DATAR)
May - June 2005: regional debate involving the partnership principle
June 2005: regional contributions sent to the national level
September 2005: National presentation
November 2005: DATAR
December 2005: final version
End 2005: decision by Council and European commission
Beginning of 2006: Council adopts community strategic guidelines on cohesion
2006: preparation of programmes for period 2007-2013
1st January 2007: Implementation begins
DATAR prepared an introductive document (preparation for the national strategic reference framework) and at regional level: regional debate on the 8th June with 4 workshops:
“ Innovation and entrepreneurship ”
“ access to transport services of general economic interest ”
“ environment and risk prevention ”
“cross-border, transnational, interregional ”
The Prefet invited the State services, local and regional partnership the 8th June 2005 for their contribution to the national strategic reference framework. Over 100 people, participated and were present at the seminar.
The introductive document from the DATAR was sent to all the participants a month before the seminar, the proposals for the Structural Funds regulations for the period 2007-2013 were distributed on the 8th June.
The following seminar is taking place in Toulouse the 20th September 2005
• Introduction and presentation by the Prefet, the vice-president of the regional authority (Regional Council), the DATAR and DG REGIO, European Commission
• 4 workshops: Innovation and entrepreneurship, access to transport services of general economic interest, environment and risk prevention, cross-border, transnational, interregional.
Innovation and entrepreneurship
- Reinforce research and technological development
- Themes such as R&D and innovation and direct aids to SMEs
Reinforce accessibility to competitive and economic sectors: rail for instance/priority could be given to connections with other regions and with Spain (transport in the Pyrenees, over 800 lorries per day, rail could be part of the strategy) - line Narbonne-Toulouse-Bordeaux or Toulouse-Limoges-Orleans-Paris/Sustainable development with emphasis on rail is a priority
Environment and risk prevention
Risk prevention: the notion of risk can be extended to climate risks, pollution risks (air... )
Midi-Pyrénées region : - major flood risk
- mountain zone/vulnerable areas
Cross-border, transnational, interregional
INTERREG IIIA accessibility (experimentations of rail: Latour-de-Carol), cultural theme : strong preoccupation
INTERREG III B: discussions about the SUDOE zonage
INTERREGIONAL co-operation INTERREG 3 C : Emphasis on co-operation economic sector (ex aeronautic sector /co-operation with Hamburg and Seville …)
Concerning the management aspect the division of responsibility must clear between the Member State, the region and the implementation bodies. In Midi-Pyrenees, no decision has been taken in this matter.
for 2007-2013
Presentation: Felicia DARELL
Tel : 05 34 45 33 12 – Fax: 05 34 45 33 04
Prefecture of Midi-Pyrenees region - Europe department - control unit
Secretary General: Didier FRANCOIS
Control Service: Head of Unit: Claude SAINT-MICHEL
Prefecture of Midi-Pyrenees Region
SGAR, Europe Service
1, place Saint-Etienne
31038 Toulouse cedex
Introduction: Practice of structural funds in Midi-Pyrenees:
Presentation of the particularities of the region and the management of structural funds in 2000-2006 programming area
§ Managing structural funds in France
Level 1: European Commission
Level 2: Member State/National level
Level 3: Local Governement/Prefecture of Midi-Pyrénées: Mananing authority/control unit/Partnership regional and local partners
The organisation of the partnership differs according to the implementation stages:
• Objective 2 programme /managing authority: the Prefet’s responsibility
partnership with a regional authority, the regional council at different stages (from the preparation, to the management and the global grant procedure).
• INTERREG III A and B/managing authority: Regional council
French-Spanish cross-border programme: management/the Regional council of Aquitaine/role and responsibility of the Spanish authorities/the local government/the Prefet of Midi-Pyrenees, co-ordination role
Trans-national programme “SUDOE”: managing authority: Spanish authority of Cantabria partnership with the Regional council of Midi-Pyrenees for France and representatives of Portugal and United-Kingdom
Development of positive aspects and improvements to be made for the future generation
Tendency for 2007-2013 programming area: decentralisation and member states’ responsibility: an active control and audit system
1. Preparing structural funds programmes: Practice in Midi-Pyrenees
§ Positive aspects and improvements to be made for the future generation: necessity to co-ordinate structural funds policy with the framework of the state-region planning contracts
A stronger role for the regions and Partnership
shared management between the European, national, regional involving regional, urban, local and other authorities, economic and social partners and civil society, environmental organisations.
The management of programmes being financed by structural funds is the responsibility of the member state. In France, we are in the second phase of decentralisation and the new legislation has mentioned the possibility of transferring the management of structural funds to the regions to the local or regional authorities for the next generation of programmes.
Audit system (2000-2006)
EUROPEAN LEVEL : European Commission DG REGIO
NATIONAL LEVEL : CICC (commission in charge of the co-ordination of all the verifications
LOCAL LEVEL : Prefecture of Midi-Pyrenees (SGAR : general secretariat for regional affairs)
At the local level, there are divisions:
· The managing authority in charge of the Objective 2 programme
· The payment authority responsible for certifying statements of expenditure
· The independent control division : This control authority is composed of 4 civil servants with specific missions (to control operations: 5% of total eligible expenditure):
The Member’s State responsibility/example of INTERREG III A audit system
September 2004 - March 2005: strategic study group working on the national strategic reference framework (national level: DATAR)
May - June 2005: regional debate involving the partnership principle
June 2005: regional contributions sent to the national level
September 2005: National presentation
November 2005: DATAR
December 2005: final version
End 2005: decision by Council and European commission
Beginning of 2006: Council adopts community strategic guidelines on cohesion
2006: preparation of programmes for period 2007-2013
1st January 2007: Implementation begins
DATAR prepared an introductive document (preparation for the national strategic reference framework) and at regional level: regional debate on the 8th June with 4 workshops:
“ Innovation and entrepreneurship ”
“ access to transport services of general economic interest ”
“ environment and risk prevention ”
“cross-border, transnational, interregional ”
The Prefet invited the State services, local and regional partnership the 8th June 2005 for their contribution to the national strategic reference framework. Over 100 people, participated and were present at the seminar.
The introductive document from the DATAR was sent to all the participants a month before the seminar, the proposals for the Structural Funds regulations for the period 2007-2013 were distributed on the 8th June.
The following seminar is taking place in Toulouse the 20th September 2005
• Introduction and presentation by the Prefet, the vice-president of the regional authority (Regional Council), the DATAR and DG REGIO, European Commission
• 4 workshops: Innovation and entrepreneurship, access to transport services of general economic interest, environment and risk prevention, cross-border, transnational, interregional.
Innovation and entrepreneurship
- Reinforce research and technological development
- Themes such as R&D and innovation and direct aids to SMEs
Reinforce accessibility to competitive and economic sectors: rail for instance/priority could be given to connections with other regions and with Spain (transport in the Pyrenees, over 800 lorries per day, rail could be part of the strategy) - line Narbonne-Toulouse-Bordeaux or Toulouse-Limoges-Orleans-Paris/Sustainable development with emphasis on rail is a priority
Environment and risk prevention
Risk prevention: the notion of risk can be extended to climate risks, pollution risks (air... )
Midi-Pyrénées region : - major flood risk
- mountain zone/vulnerable areas
Cross-border, transnational, interregional
INTERREG IIIA accessibility (experimentations of rail: Latour-de-Carol), cultural theme : strong preoccupation
INTERREG III B: discussions about the SUDOE zonage
INTERREGIONAL co-operation INTERREG 3 C : Emphasis on co-operation economic sector (ex aeronautic sector /co-operation with Hamburg and Seville …)
Concerning the management aspect the division of responsibility must clear between the Member State, the region and the implementation bodies. In Midi-Pyrenees, no decision has been taken in this matter.