Invest in Macedonia - New Business Heaven in Europe - campaign to promote Macedonian business potentials

Invest in Macedonia - New Business Heaven in Europe is the name of the campaign, which the Government launched on January 19 in order to promote Macedonian business potentials.
- The campaign for Macedonia's promotion as an investment destination will be implemented until March 1, by 50 leading newspapers in 35 countries, out of which 24 will be EU countries, in 24 languages. Total circulation of these printed media is over 9 million, whereas their readership surpasses 30 million, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski told journalist at Wednesday's news conference. Macedonia 's opportunities will be presented on 20 on-line editions of the aforementioned newspapers.
The printed media include Financial Times, New York Times, Economist, Wall Street Journal, Herald Tribune, Banker, Figaro, Die Presse, Australien, Sunday Telegraph, 24 Hours, Irish Times...
According to Gruevski, Macedonia offered investors the following advantages: lowest profit tax of 10%, lowest income tax of 10%, 0% tax of reinvested profit, prompt registration of companies within 3 days, 370 euros gross average salary, free access to large market of 650 million consumers, macroeconomic stability with 3,1% inflation, great infrastructure and EU and NATO membership candidate.
- Basicly, this is a pre-campaign, which is expected to encourage investors to think about investing in Macedonia , but it will have positive effect on county's overall image, said Gruevski.
The Government, added Gruevski, has no irrealistic exoectations. - We don't believe that an investment boom will happen over night, because the first tangible results will be occur after certain period of time. This is only the begining of a permanent campaign, which Macedonia need for a long time, he said.


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