Тhe Report of the European Commission оn the progress of Macedonia Published

Today in Brussels, the European Commission published the Report on the Progress of the Republic of Macedonia achieved in 2007. In addition to the report two more documents have been published, as well - Accession Partnership (previously – European Partnership) and Enlargement Strategy 2007.
Through the Report, the European Commission monitors and assesses the progress made by the Republic of Macedonia in the previous year. In the Accession Partnership, the European Commission gives recommendations for the upcoming reforms. The Enlargement Strategy is a document which EU enlargement policy is explained.
On the following links you can find the declared documents:
European Commission Progress report on the Republic of Macedonia 2007
Council decision on the principles, priorities and conditions contained in the Accession Partnership with the Republic of Macedonia and repealing Decision 2006/57/EC
Enlargement Strategy and Main Challenges 2007-2008
Through the Report, the European Commission monitors and assesses the progress made by the Republic of Macedonia in the previous year. In the Accession Partnership, the European Commission gives recommendations for the upcoming reforms. The Enlargement Strategy is a document which EU enlargement policy is explained.
On the following links you can find the declared documents:
European Commission Progress report on the Republic of Macedonia 2007
Council decision on the principles, priorities and conditions contained in the Accession Partnership with the Republic of Macedonia and repealing Decision 2006/57/EC
Enlargement Strategy and Main Challenges 2007-2008