
See who's giving, who's getting grants in your field.

Strengthen your search for funds with the Foundation Center's Grants for Children & Youth. Descriptions of 28,930 recent grants of $10,000 or more Over $3.2 billion in distributed grants Grants from 1,029 foundations This new Guide is a great resource for grantseekers who focus on any of these areas: adolescent parent services adult/child matching programs child development children's museums child welfare, including adoption, foster care, and prevention of child abuse neonatal care pediatrics and children's hospitals pregnancy counseling and prevention programs prevention of youth violence and rehabilitation for youth offenders scouting organizations youth centers and clubs youth development Easy-access indexes help you quickly find the information you need. The subject index helps you locate funders for your specific project...the geographic index shows which grantmakers fund programs in your state or country...and the recipient index allows you to track grants awarde

First issue of „Bulletin Europe“ - Прв број на Билтенот Европа

The Secretariat for European Affairs has started to publish “Bulletin Europe” , in the line with the efforts to inform the public administration, local self-government and the wider public about the process of integration of the Republic of Macedonia in the European Union. Bulletin Europe will be published on a monthly bases on Macedonian language and will be distributed to the public administration and the units of local self-government.The Secretariat for European Affairs also prepares electronic edition of the bulletin in Macedonian and English. These issues will be accessible for the entire Macedonian public via internet, and will be distributed to the EU bodies and institutions, international organisations, embassies, think-tanks and international media. If you want to be added to the distribution list, please register at the following link: Секретаријатот за европски прашања почна да издава гласило со име Билтен Европа како дел од напорите за информирање на д

Definition of Lobbying

The text here below is the first chapter of a paper entitled ‘Comparative Lobbying Practices: Washington, London, Brussels written by Mr. Conor Mc Grath, Lecturer in Political Communication and Public Affairs at the University of Ulster, Newtownabbey, Northern Ireland. The value of this presentation is that it is based on research as well as on the interviews conducted by the author. In the national context in particular, lobbyists are often seen in a negative light as “pullers off strings” to influence politics out of the public eye. In Brussels on the other hand, in as far as they are playing a constructive role, lobbyists are appreciated as experts. The lobbyist bringing good ideas and convincing arguments to the table is likely to receive undivided attention and positions himself as a proactive partner assisting in solving the problem at stake. Admittedly, there is a problem of definition. Today people in the industry are ‘European Public Affairs Specialists’, ‘EU Public Affairs

European Policy Summit: Bringing the Balkans into Mainstream Europe, 8 December 2005, Belgium

This high-level international event, the sixth in a series of yearly events on reconstruction and economic development issues in South East Europe, will be held at the Palais d'Egmont in Brussels on Thursday 8 December 2005. The Summit will offer an ideal opportunity to debate the future of the Balkans before an audience of EU policymakers, government representatives, business leaders, NGO representatives, academia and members of the international press. The debates will be organised around three main questions: Are the Balkans becoming part of the European Economy? Which Balkans countries are headed for EU membership? What are the dos and don'ts of Balkan reconstruction and development? Please click here to see the full programme of the summit and download the registration form. The registration form has to be returned either by fax on 02 738 75 97 or by email at . For more information please click here or contact the organizers at +32 2 737 91 45 o

East East Programme: Partnership Beyond Borders

Application deadline: at least three months before a project is due to begin The East East Program: Partnership Beyond Borders is one of the initiatives implemented by the Open Society Foundation in London (a registered UK charity). The program supports international exchanges that bring together civil society actors to share ideas, information, knowledge, experiences, and expertise and to support practical actions that result from that networking. The programme provides financial and human resources that enable civil society actors to build and/or strengthen resources and expertise, share best practices/lessons learned in social transformation, collaborate on innovative solutions to common challenges, create and/or strengthen international advocacy coalitions. The program gives priority to long-term initiatives with clear goals and realistic potential for effecting positive change, for example, by empowering marginalized and/or vulnerable sectors of society, promoting cultural, ethnic

Conference "Balkan Caucasus Programme", 18-22 December 2005, Macedonia

Community Development Institute - Tetovo starts with implementation of the Balkan Caucasus program. This initiative of collaboration and building partnership between the Balkan and Caucasus region started in November 2002 during the discussion among the participants from the Balkans and Caucasus at the DLP forum organized by the Community Development Institute (CDI) - YIC. In August 2003, at the conference "Building Balkan and Caucasus NGO network" organized by the project partners, a declaration has been signed and the principles for further collaboration were established. The objectives of the programme are: to establish links and to forge more effective cross border collaboration between young leaders and NGOs from the Balkan and Caucasus countries; to provide training for the DLP alumnus and Balkan Caucasus NGO network Members in mediation and negotiation skills to be used in their further youth work; to create a comprehensive data base about methods, tools and case studi

Training Course "Adventure Education", 8 - 15 July 2006, Luxembourg

Application deadline: 10 January 2006 National Agency of the YOUTH programme from Luxembourg has published a Call for participants for the Training Course "Adventure Education", that will take place at the Youth Hostel Lultzhausen, Luxembourg, 8 - 15 July 2006.The Training Course will touch practical aspects of Youth Work through workshops, presentations, information space, exchange of experience, discussions, learning by experience, intercultural learning. The participants will have the opportunity to present their personal, professional and cultural backgrounds. They will also have the opportunity to share experiences about their work with young people and to see how to transfer their experiences of adventure education to the reality of their everyday work with young people. Working language of the TC: English. Objectives to provide a general introduction to theory and practice of experiential education, to enable participants to implement outdoor projects in their organisa

New website exposes recipients of EU farm support

A Europe-wide network of investigative journalists will today (1 December) launch a website with detailed information about the end-recipients of EU farm support.Last year, the European Union spent €43.5 billion on agriculture, more than 40 percent of the whole EU budget. But in most countries information on who gets the money is kept secret. The new website, is for the first time offering the public easy access to this information. Интересен WEB за тоа која земја колку пари добива од фондовита на ЕУ за земјоделство.

Eight countries are waiting in the wings to join the European Union.

Bulgaria and Romania have signed accession treaties and are set to join in 2007 or 2008. Croatia and Turkey started accession talks on 3 October 2005. Turkey could complete them in 10 years, Croatia in five. The other four Balkan countries have been told they can join the EU one day, if they meet the criteria. These include democracy, the rule of law, a market economy and adherence to the EU's goals of political and economic union. Candidates for EU membership