
Update report on EU Code on Conduct

As reported earlier, the EU is proposing a Code of Conduct for the regulation of Not for Profit Organizations (NPOs). An initial draft has been published by the European Commission and was opened for public consultation, during which ECNL also submitted its comments. For the Draft Recommendations, its background, ECNL comments and related links please see and ECNL Comments on Draft Recommendations (78 Kb).Public consultation of this discussion document ended on September 19, 2005. On this occasion, the UK, as the current President of the European Union, hosted a one-day workshop in London to discuss the draft Code and issues arising from what it proposes. ECNL’s representative attended this event and here we are attaching a summary report of the outcome of the discussions. The report is not an official memorandum of the meeting, only a summary of observations of our representative. Related documents: Update report on EU Code on Con...

America's Inheritance in the Caucasus

This article, originally published by on September 24, 2005, points out the difficulties the US will face as it seeks to take over control of Russia's strategic southern sphere of influence.While intervention is never praiseworthy, the one thing that can be said about international involvement in the Caucasus is that it has at least been fairly cosmopolitan, marked by a wide variety of voices and nations, and less prone to polarizing truisms than in, say, the Balkans, where the unchallenged ascendancy of the "Milosevic is guilty of everything" line has basically eliminated the possibility of a more nuanced discourse and contributed so much to the domination of US/EU single-track ideological rule.Indeed, as the Christian Science Monitor recently put it , "the region is a patchwork quilt of warring ethnic groups and rival religions that makes Europe's other tangled knot, the Balkans, look tame by comparison."At least with the Caucasus, one encounte...

2nd meeting of the Stabilisation and Association Committee between the EU and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia – Brussels, 10 June 2005

Skopje, 11 June 2005 The second meeting of the Stabilisation and Association Committee between the EU and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia took place in Brussels on 10 June 2005. The meeting was held at a crucial moment of the bilateral relations: on 22 March 2004 the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia submitted an application for EU-membership and on 17 May 2004 the Council asked the Commission to present an opinion on this application, which is under preparation. The Stabilisation and Association Committee is a joint body comprising representatives from the European Commission and the EU Member States, on one side, and representatives from the Government of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, on the other. The meeting was chaired by Mr Reinhard Priebe, Director in the European Commission Directorate General for Enlargement. Mr Dragan Tilev, State Counsellor and Head of the Sector for European Integration, headed the delegation of the former Yugoslav Republic of Mac...

Локални избори 2000 (C4C)

  Граѓаните на Република Македонија на изборите на 10 и 24. Септември во два изборни круга на локалните избори, како и на прегласувањето што се одржа на 8 Октомври, бираа претставници за градоначалници и советници во Р. Македонија на околу   2973 избирачки места во земјата. Ова беа трети по ред локални избори по осамостојувањето на Република Македонија. Р. Македонија е поделена на 123 (општини) и градот Скопје, во пописите за избирачи беа запишани 1.634.863, избирачи со   право на глас. Изборите ги надгледуваа околу 200 меѓународни набљудувачи и околу 1700 домашни набљудувачи координирани и организирани од страна на невладини организации и граѓански иницијативи, од кои 1700 беа акредитирани од страна на Државна изборна комисија.                    ВОВЕД Локалните избори во Македонија ги надгледуваа 1700 набљудувачи организирани од страна на Коалиција од невладини организации “Граѓани за Граѓанит...