
Како дојде до еврото

Овој месец Европската унија слави 25 години од воведувањето на единствената европска валута. Оваа годишнина дава можност да се оцени како еврозоната се справи со предизвиците и спроведе реформи за да обезбеди стабилност на својата валута.  „Euronews“ претставува кратка временска рамка за историјата, настаните и идните предизвици на еврото. Како дојде до еврото По релативната стабилност на меѓународните валути во периодот по Втората светска војна, превирањата на меѓународните валутни пазари го загрозија заедничкиот ценовен систем на заедничката земјоделска политика – главен столб на тогашната Европска економска заедница (ЕЕЗ). Подоцнежните обиди за постигнување стабилни девизни курсеви беа погодени од нафтени кризи и други шокови сè додека не беше воспоставен Европскиот монетарен систем (ЕМУ) во 1979-та година. Во 1989-та година, за време на претседавањето на Жак Делор, гувернерите на централните банки на земјите од ЕУ го подготвија „Извештајот на Делор“. Тој поставува...

How do I set up a project

  Setting up a project can vary depending on the type of project you are working on. However, here are some general steps that you can follow to set up a project: 1.     Define the project scope and goals: Before starting any project, you need to clearly define what you want to achieve and what the project's purpose is. This will help you stay focused and ensure that the project is successful. 2.       Identify the resources needed: Once you have defined the project scope and goals, you need to identify the resources required to achieve those goals. This could include people, equipment, software, or other resources. 3.     Create a project plan: Develop a plan that outlines the tasks to be completed, the timeline for completion, and the responsibilities of each team member. The project plan should be detailed enough to provide direction, but flexible enough to accommodate changes as needed. 4.       Determine the budget: I...

Европа во школо во РМ

Формирање на Македонски Национален Комитет на Европа во школо Националниот Комитет на Европа во школо се конституираше на 1 април 2004 година. Како членови се делегирани претставници од следниве институции: Министерство за образование и наука – Веселинка Иванова Биро за развој на образование – Софка Коцева, Петре Наневски и Блага Панева Балканска фондација за деца и млади – Агон Демјаха Европска куќа Скопје – Тони Масевски и Зоран Димитров Агенција за млади и спорт – Виолета Живковска Младински комитет на Европски парламент – Јован Ценев Сојуз на ликовни педагози на Македонија – Пане Коцевски Сојуз на друштва за македонски јазик и литература – Гоце Цветановски Сектор за Европски интеграции на Влада на РМ – Јордан Гиров Националното жири во состав: Ликовна конкуренција Тони Масевски – Генерален секретар на Европска куќа Скопје Петре Наневски – Биро за развој на образование Д-р Фехим Хусковиќ – доцент по методологија на ФЛО и истакнат ликовен творец Глигор Васков – лице од праксата Литер...



Project Title: Empowering Youth with Disabilities through Entrepreneurship (EYDE)

Project Summary: The Empowering Youth with Disabilities through Entrepreneurship (EYDE) project aims to promote the social and economic inclusion of youth with disabilities by providing them with entrepreneurship training, mentorship, and access to funding. The project will be implemented through a partnership between the public and private sectors, including government agencies, non-profit organizations, and private companies. Project Objectives: 1.    To provide entrepreneurship training to 50 youth with disabilities aged 18-30 in the pilot phase, with the goal of helping them develop the skills and knowledge needed to start and run a successful business. 2.    To provide mentorship to the youth with disabilities during the pilot phase, connecting them with experienced entrepreneurs who can offer guidance and support as they develop their businesses. 3.    To provide access to funding for the youth with disabilities in the pilot phase...

Habitat’s theory of change

  Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit organization that works to provide safe and affordable housing to people in need around the world. Habitat’s theory of change is based on the following principles: Building Strength, Stability, and Self-Reliance: Habitat believes that affordable housing is a critical foundation for families and individuals to thrive. By providing safe and decent housing, Habitat aims to help families achieve greater stability and self-reliance. Holistic Approach: Habitat recognizes that safe and affordable housing alone is not enough to break the cycle of poverty. Therefore, the organization takes a holistic approach that includes supporting access to healthcare, education, and employment opportunities, as well as providing financial literacy training and other resources. Advocacy: Habitat advocates for policies that promote affordable housing and support the needs of low-income families and communities. Partnership: Habitat works in partnership with communiti...

Budget of an MFI

  MFI stands for Microfinance Institution, which is a financial institution that provides small loans, savings, and other financial services to low-income individuals and micro-entrepreneurs who typically lack access to traditional banking services. The budget of an MFI would depend on a variety of factors, including the size and scale of the institution, its business model, its target market, and its funding sources. Typically, the revenue of an MFI would come from the interest charged on loans, fees charged for other financial services, and possibly donations or grants from foundations or government agencies. On the expense side, an MFI's budget would include costs related to managing the loan portfolio, operating branches or field offices, and providing technical assistance and training to borrowers. Other expenses might include salaries and benefits for staff, rent and utilities for office space, and costs associated with technology and communication. Managing the budget of an ...

Macedonia – a forgotten country?

IVAN TOROV That’s how it is. Life isn’t fair, and reality demands a compromise. These are the words that Erwen Fouréré, the long-standing EU ambassador to Skopje, a witness and occasional actor in Macedonia’s troubles, addressed to his hosts, warning them that the time to reach a deal with Greece over Macedonia’s name was fast running out. A month from now the EU will decide whether Macedonia, after five years of candidate status, will be given the date for starting negotiations on finally joining the EU. In Macedonia itself, however, there is a gloomy atmosphere of unfulfilled expectations. It is as if the Macedonian government and public have come to accept that Macedonia will draw the short straw in the ‘wrestling match’ at the EU summit in June. It is most likely, indeed, that the setting of the date will again be postponed, hopefully until the end of the year, less optimistically for an indeterminate period. The formal explanation will be the slowing down, indeed end of ...

Communication in non-governmental organizations

  Communication is a vital aspect of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that operate in various fields, including health, education, human rights, and environmental protection. Effective communication within NGOs is essential to building relationships with stakeholders, mobilizing resources, and achieving organizational goals. In this paper, we will discuss communication in NGOs, including the importance of communication, the challenges NGOs face in communication, and strategies NGOs can use to improve communication. Importance of Communication in NGOs Communication plays a crucial role in the functioning of NGOs. NGOs rely on communication to establish partnerships with other organizations, mobilize resources, and build networks with stakeholders. Communication is essential for disseminating information about an NGO's activities and for generating public support for the organization's mission. Effective communication within NGOs is also essential for managing internal opera...