
All Different All Equal Campaign

In 1996 The Council of Europe ran this campaign against racism and discrimination. In this 10th year anniversary the emphasis is much more on cultural diversity and positive aspects - promoting Human Rights, Diversity and Participation. The partnership bewteen the European Commission and the Council of Europe is launching the campaign in June 2006 and it will run until September 2007. It will have a young people and grass roots approach. There are National Campaign Committees organising activities on a National level, with much campaign material and slogans being translated into many many languages. International educational activities will also be organised around the main themes, including seminars, training for trainings, youth fora etc. Quality standards are being developed so that activities and education events can have the possibility to be awarded the "All Different All Equal" logo. It will also be possible for places to be awarded this (schools, workplaces, organizat...

Parliamentary Elections 2006


Technical and Political Support from Britain to Macedonia

Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia, Radmila Sekerinska and the UK Ambassador to Macedonia, HE Robert Chatterton Dickson, signed four Letters of Understanding for bilateral technical assistance between the Secretariat for European Affairs and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, United Kingdom.“We are entering a period when Macedonia will increasingly receive messages that the three conditions for membership will be administration, administration and administration. That does not mean that political and economical criteria are losing on importance, but that we will fulfil them only if we have the necessary administrative capacity, knowledge, competence and transparency”, Sekerinska emphasised.She added that during the British Presidency of the EU, Macedonia was granted the status of candidate country for EU membership and that this is a fact that will be written in history. Sekerinska expressed her gratitude for the UK assistance and stressed that the positive energy con...

Europe Day


Our vision on consumers? protection defines the leading objective, the fundamental objectives, the main directions for action and the operational objectives.The leading objective, the absolute goal to be achieved, is consumers? protection, understood as a defence of consumers? fundamental rights: life, health and security protection; life, health and security protection; protection of economical interests; the guarantee of the vital needs; access on a market with a full range of quality products and services; an healthy environment; information; education; association.The fundamental objectives are the main directions for action in creating an European legislative and institutional system in order to insure an increase of consumers protection:a) strengthening the individual and associative self-protection capacity, so that it can become the main method of consumers? protection;b) improving State?s activity of direct and not direct protection.The main directions and objectives for actio...

YOUTH programme Action 5 – Supporting Measures: Call for submission of innovative co-operation, training and information projects

Deadline 01.07.2006 (at 16h00 Brussels time) Budget line / available budget 15.05.01 / 2.000.000 euro (within this Call) Objectives and supported actions in the field of ENARґs work The objectives of the Youth Programme are to allow young people to acquire knowledge, skills and competences and to exercise responsible citizenship so as to become an active part of society. In addition to the Action 5 activities as specified in the User’s Guide of the YOUTH programme (see below), the European Commission launches annual Calls for the submission of Action 5 innovative co-operation, training and information projects. As the name of the Call indicates, the Commission wants to put bigger emphasis on supporting innovative projects in the context of this Call which explicitly excludes the support of standard activities of organisations or networks. All applications submitted have to follow one of the following priorities: Cultural diversity and tolerance: Projects promoting cultural diversity an...

European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights Campaign 4 - Advancing equality, tolerance and peace

Reference: EuropeAid/122583/C/ACT/MultiStatus: Open (until 09.03.2006) (From the ‘Guidelines for grant applicants responding to the call for proposals’ ) Lot 1: Combating racism and xenophobia and promoting the rights of peoples belonging to minorities This LOT will focus upon the following priorities:Support for advocacy to realise the rights of persons facing discrimination on grounds of religious, racial, ethnic or caste background. The campaign will encourage the adoption of anti-discrimination legislation and policies at national level and the removal of discrimination in access to employment, education and other rights. It will promote fair and non-discriminatory representation and participation of minorities and caste-affected groups at all levels of decision-making. The campaign will also develop the capacity of anti-discrimination bodies and support projects to promote intercultural and interethnic understanding, including by encouraging the development of community groups and...

Invitation for financing projects in the area of European Integration for the NGOs in the Republic of Macedonia

The Invitation for financing projects in the area of European Integration for the NGOs in the Republic of Macedonia is published on 06.02.2006. This is the fourth year (starting 2003) that the Secretariat for European Affairs in cooperation with GTZ (project, no. 02.3515.0-007.00) announces the Invitation for involvement of the non government sector in the process of European Integration.Proposals should be:- Oriented toward the process of European Integration and/or cover specific area of interest for Republic of Macedonia within this process;- Directed toward the strengthening of the capacities of the NGO sector in the area that is covered by the project proposal.A project will be supported with up to EUR 5.000 in counter value in denars and the possibility of co-financing is encouraged.The deadline for application is 27.02.2006 by 16.00 h., and the following link contains:The invitation for financing projects in the area of European Integration for the NGOs in the Republic of Macedo...

Call for proposals - European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR): Campaign 4 - Advancing equality tolerance and peace

Deadline 09.03.2006 Budget line / available budget 19.04.03 / euro 6.5 million Objectives and supported actions in the field of ENARґs work The main aim of the European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) is to promote human rights, democracy and conflict prevention in third countries by providing financial support for activities supporting these areas.This call for proposals focuses on projects to implement Campaign 4 of the EIDHR, entitled “Advancing equality, tolerance and peace” which is divided into 2 separate Lots: Lot 1: Combating racism and xenophobia and promoting the rights of peoples belonging to minoritiesThe campaign will encourage the adoption of anti-discrimination legislation and policies at national level and the removal of discrimination in access to employment, education and other rights. It will promote fair and non-discriminatory representation and participation of minorities and caste-affected groups at all levels of decision-making. The campaign wi...